2023 HKSGS Matches

HKSGS is aiming for 6 matches this year (3 home and 3 away) against societies of similar standard and social standing as ourselves and will continue with the 2-player scramble format which has proved popular.

Matches will be included in our fixtures list and invitations sent to all members for online signups. As with previous years, the following requirements / guidelines will apply:

Match players must have an up-to-date GHIN handicap (at least 1 score registered within past 3 months and 3 within past 12 months);

Players are  expected to stay for any apres-golf prize-giving / social with the opponents;

Costs will be as usual for HKSGS events; and

Playing in a match will NOT count as an HKSGS ‘event played’ in determining eligibility for subsequent events, however, if a match player fails to stay for the prize-giving without informing the Match Captain beforehand, penalties may apply.

I am honored to be taking on the Match Captain role for the HKSGS and would like your support and feedback, please contact me by email at kskelton1@mtr.com.hk.

Kurt Skelton
HKSGS Matches Convenor

HKGS v Misfits 28th April 2023
Match Play - 2 Man Scramble

Joint Captains Comments

Many thanks to all who joined us for the match against Seniors/Misfits, turned out to be a great social event and from our perspective thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part.

The golf that was served up complemented the camaraderie shown by all taking part... the standard was rather good. The final result was 4-2 to the seniors and thoroughly deserved, what was good though was the actual closeness of most of the games. Two of the games came down to the very last hole, in fact our captains game came down to the very last putt so the final team result really could have gone either way.

Great spirit, great fun and looking forward to playing this fixture again.

Paul Fraser
Esmonde Corbet
Kurt Skelton
Gabriel Lam
Lorenz Zimmerman
Musetta Fong
Catherine Solnik
Bruno Solnik
Christine Fong
Jacky Au
Nigel Fu
James Chim
Mike Edie
Raymond Ng
Carson So
Robert Noble
Pete Small
Andy Narramore
Paul Lynch
Kirill Neklyudov
Raymond Ho
John Mcleod
Godwin Lee
Antony Wong
Total Points